
Marketech Maldives Pvt Ltd is a private limited company which was founded by its three shareholders Mr. Ahmed Naseem, Mr. Abdulla Waseem and Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim Didi. Marketech Maldives Pvt Ltd was established 05thNovember 1991. It is the sole distributor of Volvo Penta products and several other marine/boating gear and accessories in the Republic of Maldives. Volvo Penta is a world leading supplier of engines and power systems for marine and industrial applications. Moreover Marketech Maldives Pvt Ltd is also involved in the servicing of Volvo Penta engines as well as other makes of engines, equipment and machinery. All their efforts strive to give their customers the right product, with the right qualities. Marketech team, work with a deep commitment to quality, safety and environmental care.

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