Company Overview
PALM TREE MARINE PVT LTD (Company Registration No.: C-285/97) was incorporated as Private Limited Company on 29th September 1997 under Maldives Registrar of Companies. Palm Tree Marine Pvt Ltd is located in heart of Male’ City and has emerged as an undisputed market leader in the field of trading business in Marine, Industrial & Power Generation Sector in Maldives.
During these years, we have created a benchmark for the market by launching new quality products and providing the opportunity to experience the state of art technology products in marine & industrial engines, accessories and equipment is available in the world to our customers in Maldives.
Our Motto
The Company is stringent on the aspects of Genuine and Quality of the product. Our practice is to give the genuine products to our customers, so that they can get real value of the products in return of their money and feel proud to be owner of the products, which in return build the relationship of reliability and confidence upon our company and related products. As a result, we are satisfied that every product that reaches the end–user is in conformity with exacting predetermined standard and quality.
“Your Trusted Marine Partner”
As per the Geographical position of the Maldives, our customer base is mainly from Male’ City as it’s called the business capital of the country. However, our clientele is scattered all over the Maldives.
We are also enjoying a good percentage hold in the market shares for Engines and Generators as we have a good connection with boat builders and repairing companies all over Maldives.
Our products are widely known in the country for both their quality and reliability.
Our Clients
We are catering the needs of marine, power generation and other requirements of a number of resorts, boat building companies, fishing vessels and local transportation systems by supplying our genuine and quality products. In Maldives, we have more than 100 resorts and a considerable amount of reputed boat builders and individual boat builders for repowering of marine and generators for their boats.
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